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Online Mindfulness & Technology Forum - March 2024
Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Category: Education Event Online

Mega Impact:  An Exploration on the Integration of Tech & Mindfulness

Description: In an era dominated by technological advancements, the intersection of technology and mindfulness presents an intriguing landscape for exploration. "Mega Impact" invites you to delve into this fascinating amalgamation, where cutting-edge technology converges with ancient mindfulness practices to revolutionize how we navigate the digital age.

This session will be a deep dive into the integration of technology and mindfulness, examining the potential impact on personal well-being, productivity, and societal dynamics. From mindfulness apps and wearable devices to virtual reality experiences and AI-driven solutions, we'll explore the diverse ways in which technology is being harnessed to cultivate mindfulness and enhance mental wellness.

Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the transformative power of this synergy. Through interactive discussions, case studies, and demonstrations, we'll investigate how mindfulness principles can be seamlessly woven into the fabric of our digital lives. Discover innovative strategies for fostering mindfulness in a tech-saturated world, and gain insights into how these practices can lead to greater resilience, focus, and overall fulfillment.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Harnessing Technology for Mindfulness: Explore the myriad of tech-driven tools and solutions designed to facilitate mindfulness practices, from meditation apps to biofeedback wearables, and understand how these innovations can enhance self-awareness and emotional regulation in daily life.

  2. Cultivating Digital Wellness: Gain practical strategies for navigating the digital landscape mindfully, including tips for managing screen time, establishing healthy boundaries with technology, and leveraging digital platforms to foster meaningful connections and community.

  3. Empowering the Future of Well-being: Discover the potential societal impact of integrating technology and mindfulness, from improving workplace productivity and fostering inclusive environments to addressing mental health challenges on a global scale. Explore how cultivating mindfulness in the digital age can lead to more compassionate, resilient, and purpose-driven communities.

Members You will need your user name (your member email) and password to register. If you forgot your password simply click forgot password to re-set it.
Complimentary benefit of membership
Non-members Tickets - $50.00


Contact: Holly Duckworth